Shawn Ryan Show

Exploring Houston’s Urban Wilderness in the ‘Great Urban Outdoors’ Series

The latest stop in Athletic Brewing’s “Great Urban Outdoors” series proves that the Bayou City has more to offer than just skyscrapers and traffic jams.  From killer running trails to surprisingly good urban fly fishing, Houston’s outdoor scene is thriving, and it’s all right there...

Ballot Initiatives, Both Good and Bad, Largely Fail to Make it to Voters

I'm not a huge fan of ballot initiatives. They're pure democracy, which is just mob rule. The mob is notorious for denying people their rights, particularly when they're some out-group or hold unpopular positions on something, so I'm always going to be wary of...

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Megyn Kelly – The End of Mainstream Media | SRS #129

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Exploring Houston’s Urban Wilderness in the ‘Great Urban Outdoors’ Series

The latest stop in Athletic Brewing’s “Great Urban Outdoors” series proves that the Bayou...

Ballot Initiatives, Both Good and Bad, Largely Fail to Make it to Voters

I'm not a huge fan of ballot initiatives. They're pure democracy, which is just...

FPC, SAF Petition Supreme Court To Address Circuit Split In Delaware AWB Cases

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and attorneys representing the Second...