$12 Billion More for VA Medical Budget Urgently Needed, Department Says

If Congress does not include extra funding for...

Sen. Raphael Warnock: ‘We’re All Sitting Ducks’ Without Gun Control

Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia is one of those people who is going to get a lot of questions about the Apalachee High School shooting. He's a senator from Georgia, after all, and with his anti-gun stance, you know the media wants to amplify...

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Chicago Woman Shoots Man Climbing Through Daughter’s Window

A Chicago woman is being praised by her neighbors after fending off a would-be...

Alabama Lawmakers Seized on Georgia Shooting, Bills Still Likely Doomed

Anti-gun lawmakers secretly love public mass shootings. They say they don't, but they never...

N.J. ‘Gun Free Zone’ List Finally Surrendered By AG After Months Long Wait

New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Matthew Platkin have not exactly been...

Gun Debate Not Only Thing Sparked by Apalachee High Shooting

Bearing Arms is a Second Amendment site, but we also touch on matters of...

Four Hours, Four Shootings in Gun-Controlled Oakland

If gun control were all it took to prevent shootings, armed robberies, and other...

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Florida: Jealous Boyfriend Shot In Apparent Self-Defense Incident

As the old saying goes, “Play stupid games, win stupid...

Still Think He’s On Our Side? Elon Musk Is On Track To Be The World’s First Trillionaire

Elon Musk is on track to become the world’s first dollar trillionaire. Are we...

Mammoth Overland’s Tall Boy Camper Trailer Sets High Bar for Backcountry RV Camping

Mammoth Overland is scheduled to roll out the first Genesis Edition of their new...