Shawn Ryan Show

Following High Profile Shootings in Tennessee, There’s a Shift in Tone

More and more, it seems the mainstream media is trying to sell us on this idea that gun control is not just justifiable, but popular. We see numerous reports of polls and we have countless stories...

Journalist: Zelensky Is An “Impediment To Peace,” And Should Be Removed

Former Central Intelligence Agency analyst and journalist John Kiriakou has said that Volodymyr Zelensky is an “impediment to peace” and he should be removed from power. Zelensky’s “failure” during his meeting with United States President Donald Trump at the White House on Friday has...

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What a Navy SEAL Carries When Hunting Predators

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This SpecOps Sniper Might Have One of the Best Everyday Carries

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The Darkest Moments of War with a Spec Operator | Official Preview

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3 years sober.

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Journalist: Zelensky Is An “Impediment To Peace,” And Should Be Removed

Former Central Intelligence Agency analyst and journalist John Kiriakou has said that Volodymyr Zelensky...

Indiana Court Says Second Amendment Doesn’t Include Machine Guns

An Indiana man arrested for illegally...

Gun Rights Groups Urge Supreme Court to Strike NY Gun Law

Several pro-freedom organizations, including the National Rifle Association, have filed amicus briefs with the...