HomeUSAHarris Claims Trump Bowed, Folded to Gun Lobby

Harris Claims Trump Bowed, Folded to Gun Lobby

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Vice President Kamala Harris recently took a jab at former President Donald Trump, accusing him of caving in to the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Earlier this month, at an anti-gun rally, VP Harris said, “Whereas President Biden and I stood up to the NRA and the gun lobby, Donald Trump bowed down.”

“After the horrors of El Paso and Dayton, the former president said he would take action and then he folded,” she continued. “He failed to stand up to the gun lobby.”

This is hilarious. “Folded” and “bowed down.” LOL. Doesn’t she realize that Trump and the NRA are on the same team? That they’re all shooting for the same goal?

Look, the best way to stop a would-be mass killer is two to the chest and one to the head. The sooner the threat is terminated, the more lives are saved. That’s a fact.

The key to minimizing response times? Empowering more citizens to act. Everyday people, armed and ready, can intervene when some looney tune gets froggy.

Trump and the NRA support this vision: a nation of self-reliant citizens prepared to defend themselves.

Yet, Harris and her supporters disagree. They push for widespread gun control, which studies show doesn’t curb violence.

They also deny that armed civilians can stop active shooters, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), armed citizens have interrupted 34.4% of active shooter incidents from 2014 to 2021. That’s nearly one out of every three cases!

VP Harris would instead prefer to turn public spaces into gun-free zones. But statistics raise a hard question: why have roughly 96% of mass public shootings since 1950 occurred in these zones?

Dr. John Lott, president of the CPRC, notes that these areas attract crazies because they promise no immediate armed resistance, allowing for more casualties.

“If you look at something like the manifesto from the Buffalo murderer he explicitly talks about why he picked the target that he did and right at the top of the list is he wanted to go to a place where victims were unarmed,” observed Dr. Lott.

“He didn’t want to go to a place where he thought victims might have concealed handguns,” Lott added.

Bingo! Gun-free zones don’t work! They have the opposite effect. They’re magnets for murderers!

But Trump’s approach, empowering people to protect themselves, their families, and their communities, does work. Despite what the Veep alleges, this isn’t surrendering to the problem; it’s tackling it directly. This is what proper crime control looks like. Kamala, pay attention!

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