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Monkeypox Fear Mongering Ramps Up

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In addition to the bird flu, eastern equine encephalitis, and sloth fever, the media’s fear-mongering campaign surrounding the mpox, formerly monkeypox virus is ramping up.  Mainstream media outlets state that in their opinion, Western nations should be responding to the outbreak now, even though it isn’t an immediate threat.

Apparently, the virus is coming back “even deadlier” than it did before, and countries like the United States should go under medical tyranny to stop the spread, much like was done during the COVID-19 scamdemic.

According to an opinion article from The Washington Post, the previous outbreak spread from sub-Saharan Africa to more than 100 countries that had not previously seen the disease, resulting in 100,000 cases globally. The United States reported about 32,000 cases in 2022 and 2023, predominantly among men who have sex with men.

Most of those infected recovered after a bout of itchy skin lesions and flu-like symptoms, but some developed complications such as pneumonia and brain swelling. In total, 58 Americans died. That number probably would have been worse if not for extensive outreach efforts and a targeted vaccination campaign, the Post continued. 
Of course, it always comes back to the medical interventions that “save” the slave class from these awful diseases,

Several factors make this year’s outbreak especially worrisome. First, this version of mpox is different. Mpox itself is not a new disease; sporadic cases have been reported in Central and East Africa for more than 50 years. Before the 2022 outbreak, cases generally involved people who contracted the virus from wild animals, and there was little human-to-human transmission.

Already, clade 1 mpox has spread to neighboring countries including Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and Central African Republic. Two diagnoses have also been made in Sweden and Thailand, both in people who recently traveled to the African region. –The Washington Post

The Post goes on to say that the West needs to “mobilize” resources to help with this outbreak.  Western countries to dedicate resources to bolster the health-care infrastructure of Congo and other hard-hit countries. Failure to do so means that a new, deadlier mpox variant will inevitably make its way within the borders of the United States. This will cost the country even more resources and preventable suffering down the line – as long as the ruling class intervenes with medical tyranny.

Medical Tyranny Will Return If Rulers Declare Bird Flu a Pandemic

Oddly enough, 100 out of 100 members of the ruling class (politicians) say that medical tyranny works!

Ruling Class Says Its Medical Tyranny Worked

Read the full article here

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