HomeUSARyan Busse Trying to Hide His Profession from Voters?

Ryan Busse Trying to Hide His Profession from Voters?

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Ryan Busse used to work for Kimber. We know this based on both parties in that relationship.

But Busse doesn’t work for them anymore. These days, he makes his money as an anti-gunner, turning on his former employer and colleagues by working with people who will, in time, do everything they can to make the Second Amendment mean less than the Articles of Confederation.

However, that’s not the only income he wants.

You see, he’s running for office. He wants to be governor of Montana. Yet interestingly, where he makes his living isn’t something Busse is interested in sharing.

Now, the NSSF is calling him out for it.

Montana’s a very big state. They call it Big Sky Country for a reason. There are lots of places to hide things in Montana that someone might never want to see the light of day.

That’s the bet that Ryan Busse is making in his bid as the Democratic candidate challenging Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte for governor. Gov. Gianforte released his financial records to the public, laying out for everyone to see how he earns his money. Turns out, if anyone didn’t already know, Gov. Gianforte is a wealthy man. The second-term governor reported an income of over $265 million since 2005, the most of which came after Oracle Corp. bought his Bozeman-based RightNow Technologies for $1.8 billion. As governor, he earns $120,000.

That information was released to keep a “commitment to transparency,” said Anna Marian Block, a spokesperson for Gov. Gianforte.

Busse’s campaign declined to publicly release tax returns.

Whatcha Hiding?

The former firearm industry executive-turned gun control firebrand doesn’t want Montanans to know something. That something might just be how he’s profited from working for special-interest gun control groups and authoring books bashing Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. When he wasn’t doing that, he was bashing the industry that makes those rights tangible.

Busse joined Giffords Courage to Fight Gun Violence gun control group in 2021. He was brought on as a senior advisor about the same time as their former senior advisor David Chipman left when he was nominated by President Joe Biden to be the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Busse is still listed as a senior advisor today.

The thing is, Montana is a pretty pro-gun state. Folks there aren’t exactly fans of gun control.

As Cam pointed out last week, Busse is tripping over himself to appear to be pro-gun. He bragged about helping to sell three million guns, but isn’t releasing his tax returns because then people would be reminded what side his bread is buttered on. They’d see that he favors gun control and would work to instill it into Wyoming’s legal code.

Since folks there aren’t fond of gun control, we can start to see why he’d want to hide it.

Yet to me, the idea that a politician would try to hide information that might hurt his chances of being elected isn’t really new. Every single one of them does that.

What bothers me is that this isn’t some secret affair that would create a scandal if it came to light or some college thesis with a controversial point of view expressed from 30 years ago. No, this is public information that has been a part of the gun debate over the last few years. This doesn’t require investigative journalism to uncover, so just why in the hell is the media in Wyoming not pointing this out?

We don’t need his tax records to know what he’s been doing and who has been paying him.

Then again, it’s not like the traditional, mainstream media is interested in promoting the truth. They’re just interested in advancing the anti-gun, progressive agenda, and they see Busse has their best chance at doing that.

If you want to combat this, there’s something you can do. First, make sure all your friends in Montana know who Ryan Busse is and what he does to feed his family. Second, you can get one of our VIP memberships to make sure the voices that will call this out remain around for a long time to come. Use promo code FIGHT and get 60% off of your membership.

Together, we can put the smackdown on this terrible form of “journalism” and make it impossible for people like Busse to hide his past.

Read the full article here

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