HomeUSAWATCH: Rep. Raskin Downplays Hunter Biden Gun Charge — Just a ‘Rich...

WATCH: Rep. Raskin Downplays Hunter Biden Gun Charge — Just a ‘Rich Guy Exercising 2A Rights’

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The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), based in Bellevue, Washington, has criticized Maryland’s Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin. They argue that Raskin downplayed Hunter Biden’s illegal firearm purchase by framing it as a wealthy individual exercising his Second Amendment rights.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb expressed his incredulity, saying, “I’m not sure whether to shake my head in disgust or just laugh out loud.” Gottlieb harshly criticized Raskin’s stance, indicating that Biden’s actions would normally be considered serious crimes.

Biden, son of the US president, recently accepted a plea for lesser drug charges. He also negotiated a deal regarding his admitted firearms violation. This agreement requires him to avoid legal trouble for two years, enabling him to retain his Second Amendment rights.

In contrast, ordinary citizens providing false information on a Form 4473 could face felony charges, prison, and loss of gun rights.

“Jamie Raskin needs to understand something about federal gun laws,” Gottlieb observed. “Typical rich guys exercising their Second Amendment rights don’t get stoned on drugs before they go gun shopping. Rich guys buying guns don’t lie on a Form 4473 and expect to get away with it. Rich guys don’t allow their girlfriends to toss handguns into dumpsters located near public schools. And rich guys, and even poor guys, don’t get special treatment from federal prosecutors regarding gun-related crimes unless their last name is Biden and their dad is president.”

Gottlieb identified this case as an appalling instance of dual-standard justice. He suggested that if anyone else received this level of leniency for a gun law violation, Raskin and his fellow Democrats would protest loudly.

“Raskin never met a restrictive gun control law he didn’t immediately love,” Gottlieb continued, “until the law could be used to put a Biden behind bars. Then, all of a sudden, the Maryland congressman tries to portray the allegations against Hunter Biden to be an attack on the Second Amendment. The hypocrisy is staggering.”

Raskin made his remarks on Wednesday during a House Oversight Committee hearing, where IRS whistleblowers alleged that the FBI, IRS, and DOJ interfered with a probe into possible Biden family misconduct.

Read the full article here

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