Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 86! If you’re a firearms enthusiast or just curious about guns, you might be surprised to learn that there are many excellent podcasts out there that cater to your specific interests. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics, from shooting techniques and firearm maintenance to hunting stories and the latest news in the gun world. Whether you’re an experienced gun owner or a beginner just getting into the sport, there’s something for everyone in the world of firearms podcasts. You can listen while you’re driving to the range, cleaning your guns, or just relaxing at home. Podcasts are a great way to pass the time while you’re doing other things, and they provide an excellent source of entertainment and education. Plus, with so many podcasts to choose from, you’ll never run out of content to listen to. Another great thing about firearms podcasts is the sense of community they provide. Many podcasts have a loyal following of listeners who engage in lively discussions and debates in the show’s comment section or on social media. Listening to a podcast can be like joining a virtual gun club, where you can share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences with like-minded individuals from around the world. So as always, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s selection of gun podcast content!
More TFB Podcast Roundups:
TFB Podcast Roundup 86: Scoping Out the Best Shows Across the Web
Eric Larsen and IWB’s | Holster Makers Podcast At Illum Atelier Studio Ft. HBE Leatherwork | Ep. 9
Length: 54 Minutes
In today’s episode, we get to talk with Eric Larsen of HBE Leatherworks. Topics covered include Eric’s story of how he got into holster building and a talk about IWB Holsters. Links for HBE Leatherworks are below. This episode also was shot in person at the Illum Atelier Studio. Big thanks to all the people at Illum who let us do this. Here is a little snippet of what Illum Atelier is for people who haven’t heard already: At lllum, we know that you want to be a Confident Artisan. In order to do that, you need curated courses to grow your skills. The problem is patching together all the online content and videos takes a lot of time and isn’t the masterclass you actually need. That’s a frustration you don’t need when you are honing your craft. We believe you should have access to world-class instruction. We know how hard it is to find the right experts, which is why we have used our 147 years of experience in the leather industry to bring the masters together in a new video platform https://www.IllumAtelier.com

TFB Podcast Roundup 86: Scoping Out the Best Shows Across the Web
Listen to the HBE Leatherworks Podcast Episode 9 on YouTube
The VSO Gun Channel | Silencer BAN! Bill Submitted
Length: 9 Minutes
Bill submitted in both houses to introduce a silencer ban. Text: https://www.menendez.senate.gov/imo/m…
Armed and Nerded Podcast:
/ @armedandnerded #vsogunchannel The VSO Gun Channel is an educational resource of VSO Media LLC, a media production company, and VSOrdnance LLC, a research and development/ Testing Evaluation “contract lab”. VSO is not in the business of selling or promoting the sale of firearms. Nothing VSO publishes should be misconstrued to support the sale of Firearms, components, or accessories. The VSO Gun Channel serves as a common sense, educational resource promoting responsible gun ownership and safety, particularly for young minds otherwise negatively influenced by a fundamental breakdown of our society.

TFB Podcast Roundup 86: Scoping Out the Best Shows Across the Web
Listen to the Armed and Nerded Podcast | Silencer Ban! Bill Submitted on YouTube
Impact Shooting | Shooting 15,000 Rounds A Year – Francis Colon (Pro Shooter Interview)
Length: 67 Minutes
Whether you’re an experienced PRS shooter or just starting out, this podcast episode is a must-listen. Francis’s wealth of knowledge and expertise will provide valuable insights and inspiration for anyone looking to improve their shooting skills. So grab your headphones and join us as we explore the world of precision rifle shooting with one of the best in the business, Francis Colon.

TFB Podcast Roundup 86: Scoping Out the Best Shows Across the Web
Listen to IMPACT SHOOTING | Shooting 15,000 Rounds A Year – Francis Colon (Pro Shooter Interview) on YouTube
Hornady Manufacturing Podcast | Ep. 069 – Critical Duty & Critical Defense – What’s the Difference?
Length: 35 Minutes
On this episode, Seth is joined by Judd Jarzynka and MIL/LE Contract Coordinator, John Hasselmann. The guys discuss handgun ammunition; specifically, Hornady Critical Duty® and Critical Defense®. The two lines may look very similar but they have considerable differences. Critical Defense is the ultimate choice for any short-barreled, concealed-carry-style firearm. Critical Duty is built to meet the needs and requirements of LE/Tactical professionals as well as law-abiding citizens who prefer a full-size handgun for their personal protection. Join us as we discuss additional details, advantages, and applications of each.

TFB Podcast Roundup 86: Scoping Out the Best Shows Across the Web
Listen to the Hornady Manufacturing Podcast | Ep. 069 – Critical Duty & Critical Defense – What’s the Difference? on YouTube
CF Podcast | Taran Butler | John Wick, Competitive Shooting, & Training The Stars
Length: 97 Minutes
If you’re looking for a podcast to get to know the people who impact the firearms community then you’ve come to the right place. The CF Podcast was started to take a deep dive into the amazing people who make up our favorite community and give them a platform for our audience to communicate with them. Let us know who you would like to see on the next podcast in our comment section. Thanks for joining the CF Podcast team!

TFB Podcast Roundup 86: Scoping Out the Best Shows Across the Web
Listen to CF Podcast | Taran Butler | John Wick, Competitive Shooting, & Training The Stars on YouTube.
TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #68: An Important Aero Precision Update
Length: 38 Minutes
On Today’s episode of TFB’s Behind The Gun Podcast, we’re checking in with Kirk from Aero Precision. It’s no secret by now that some pretty heavy anti-2A legislation has passed in the beautiful state of Washington. This has led many people to question what the firearms companies who operate out of Washington, like Aero Precision, are going to do about the situation. Today Kirk and I discuss Aero’s plans moving forward, their stance towards this particular piece of legislation, and of course their recently filed lawsuit against the Washington Assault Weapons Ban – they’re not out of the fight yet.
In addition to news about the developing situation surrounding the Washington Assault Weapons Ban, Kirk and I also take some time to talk about some recently released products to the Aero Precision lineup like their new Cold Hammer Forced Barrels, which are a part of their new “Pro Series” of uppers. Please welcome once again, Kirk from Aero Precision!
Aero Precision Press Release on the Washington Assault Weapons Ban
Support Aero Precision Here
Aero Precision on Instagram
Aero Precision on Facebook

TFB Podcast Roundup 86: Scoping Out the Best Shows Across the Web
Listen to the TFB Behind The Gun podcast right here on TheFirearmBlog.com, or on Spotify
That’s all for this week! I hope you enjoyed these episodes and found something to listen to during your commutes. Let me know what you found interesting about these podcasts, and I’ll be back next week with more great firearms podcasts to share.
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