HomeUSARep. Joe Neguse rolls out several freedom limiting bills

Rep. Joe Neguse rolls out several freedom limiting bills

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On April 28th, 2023, Congressman Joe Neguse, D-Colo., introduced a package of several bills which would infringe on the Second Amendment. Neguse may seem well-meaning in what he’s trying to accomplish, however we all know that further limitations on the Second Amendment does nothing to curtail criminal behavior. It was announced that the bills would add to the prohibited persons lists, limit who could purchase long guns, and fund potentially anti-gun organizations with federal funds.

Congressman Joe Neguse, Vice-Chair of the U.S. House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, introduced a legislative package focused on gun violence prevention and workplace safety. These common-sense measures will prevent the sale of guns to people convicted of violent misdemeanors, enforce state age requirements during background checks, and bolster security measures in public spaces to prevent mass shootings.

“Every day, gun violence continues to devastate communities across our country, including here in Colorado,” said Congressman Neguse. “From Columbine to Aurora, and Colorado Springs to Boulder, countless Coloradans know all too well the pain of gun violence and devastating mass shootings. We must do more to save lives and prevent these tragedies from happening again. That is why I am proud to introduce this package of common-sense legislation — which will help us build safer communities across our state and country.”

The bills are as follows:

H.R.2897 – To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the sale or other disposition of any firearm or ammunition to any person who has been convicted of a violent misdemeanor, and for other purposes. – End Gun Violence Act

H.R.2898 – To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a person who fails to meet age and residential requirements from shipping, transporting, possessing, or receiving firearms and ammunition, to increase the penalties for transfer of a firearm to any person who is under indictment, and for other purposes. – Secure Background Checks Act

H.R.2899 – To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide for additional grant amounts for protect against mass violence. – STOP Violence Act

Neguse’s release leaned a bit on some laurel resting. Well, what would probably be laurels in his opinion, anyway: 

This package follows Congressman Neguse’s work to close the loophole that enabled the King Soopers shooter to use a stabilizing brace to make his semi-automatic pistol more deadly. After the shooting, Congressman Neguse led a letter, signed by over 100 Members of Congress, to the Biden administration to implore the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to regulate this style of weapon. In response to the letter, President Biden announced that stabilizing braces would be subject to federal regulation by the ATF.

Last week, Congressman Neguse spoke out against Republican attempts to overturn this commonsense federal rule that would regulate stabilizing braces. Under the proposed Republican legislation, the ATF would no longer be able to conduct oversight on the use of these deadly devices.

Neguse describes the possession of a stabilizing brace to be a loophole, specifically saying during a hearing:

“… We could be taking up bills to build safer communities [tonight] …But instead, we’re here debating a measure to undermine federal law enforcement’s efforts when it sought to crack down on those who were using stabilizing braces as short-barreled rifles to evade the NFA [National Firearms Act].”

The problem with Neguse and his introduction of these bills, as a lawmaker, he’s perfectly content with evading the legislative process and trying to use the ATF as a loophole around the statutory definitions of items in the National Firearms Act. You’d think a member of the legislature would be behind the process, but he’s clearly not.

What’s in the bills? Some of the highlights:

H.R.2897End Gun Violence Act [text]

This would prohibit anyone convicted of a violent misdemeanor within the last five years from possessing firearms. The definition of a violent misdemeanor would be: an offense committed that used, attempted to use or threatened the use of; physical force and a deadly weapon. Or an offense that had an intent to cause physical injury or knowingly causing physical injury.

H.R.2898Secure Background Checks Act [text]

This bill changes who’s eligible for purchasing firearms. According to the proposed changes, an individual may only purchase a long gun out of state if it would be legal for them to purchase that firearm within their state of residence based on age. In the event that an person lives in say Florida, where one must be 21 in order to buy semi-automatic rifles, a Floridian under 21 may not purchase such firearms in another state.

H.R.2899STOP Violence Act [text]

This is an interesting bill that has what could be a hidden trap. From the bill text where additional funds would be allocated to:

$20,000,000, to be granted by the Attorney General to States, units of local governments, and other nonprofit organizations that serve victims of crime to provide compensation, training, and technical assistance to public assembly facilities to prepare against mass violence and to protect public assembly facilities from mass violence.’’

Would “other nonprofit organizations that serve victims of crime” include groups like Moms Demand Action? Everytown? Brady United? How difficult would it be for these gun-grabbing groups to change portions of their mission statements to comport to eligibility requirements?

It’s doubtful under this proposal that the National Rifle Association would be getting funds to run Refuse to be A Victim classes or Personal Protection Inside/Outside the Home classes. What about the United States Concealed Carry Association and their line of “training” classes which would cover “prepa[rations] against mass violence” and protection of public assembly facilities?

There’s a whole lot of fist shaking and weasel wording coming from the congressman that introduced all these bills. A real dog and pony show, which, we can be assured won’t find passage or enactment. The “look I’m doing something” press event was all that Representative Neguse wanted, and also to have an opportunity to weigh in on the so-called arm brace “loophole.” We’ll be watching the progress of these do-nothing feel good bills and certainly report back if there’s anything notable to report. Chances have it, the next time we cover these bills will be during the next session of Congress when they’re reintroduced.

Read the full article here

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