HomeUSALooking at the 'Numbers' Behind 'Public Health Emergency'

Looking at the ‘Numbers’ Behind ‘Public Health Emergency’

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Yes, I’m still salty about Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s declaration of gun violence as a ‘public health emergency’ earlier this week. It was blatant partisanship designed to try and give President Joe Biden the edge on guns in the upcoming debate with former President Donald Trump.

It’s also something anti-gunners have been wanting for quite some time. In their view, it’s a public health crisis and since we’ve seen how little the government values pesky little things like rights during a public health emergency, this probably made those folks all warm and tingly.

But let’s be real here, most of the justification Murthy and others have given for why this is necessary is absolute nonsense.

My colleague over at PJ Media, Kevin Downey, Jr., decided to take a look at some of the numbers used to justify all of this and…wow. Just…wow.

The report states that the number of people getting shot has exploded since 2020. What it fails to mention is that it was the same year the Democrats unleashed their street animals in Antifa and BLM to destroy our nation’s big, blue toilet cities. Nor does it mention Democrats began to free droves of prisoners in 2019 and passed no-bail laws to keep the vermin on the streets where the Democrats knew they’d go back to committing crimes.

Liberals first pushed the lie that guns were the number one cause of children’s death in the U.S.A.

When that data-denying lie fizzled, the left had to add 18 and 19-year-olds to the statistics to get the result they wanted. They also sinisterly removed children who died before reaching their first birthday. I guess they don’t count. 

FACT-O-RAMA! The legal age of adulthood in the U.S.A. is 18 years old. This graph includes people who are 18 and 19 years old and are not considered children.

They also “forgot” to mention most of the teens shot are involved in gangs, which lefty prosecutors, like Cook County (Chicago) State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, sometimes refuse to prosecute if the color of their skin flies against the narrative.

FACT-O-RAMA! Kim Foxx decided not to prosecute two gang members who murdered a Nation Guardsman. Federal prosecutors had to take over the prosecution. Foxx is also loathe to prosecute illegal gun crimes if the arrest stems from a traffic stop and the suspect is black.

The Surgeon General “overlooked” the fact that drug overdose deaths of Americans 14-19 years old exploded 94% from 2019-2020 when primarily Democrat governors locked down the nation over a virus roughly 99.6% of us would survive.

There is more to see and read, so head over to our sister site and read away. Every view matters and Downey’s piece deserves all it can get.

But Downey is completely correct about all of this. Most of it isn’t new to us–we’ve been debunking the whole “child death” thing since it first came out–but it’s important to remember that we’re the ones pushing back, not the mainstream media that swallowed this whole. There was no critical examination of the claim to speak of outside of the right-leaning media.

And drug overdose deaths are an important point because overdoses as a whole account for around twice as many deaths as firearms.

Yet these fabrications and points of misinformation are what Murthy used to justify his emergency declaration. It’s what’s being touted by activists who claim we desperately need to curtail our rights because “it’s for the children.”

What’s more, they’ll continue to be pushed as if they’re unquestionable, all trying to justify this abomination.

Read the full article here

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