HomeTactical & SurvivalRussia Claims The U.S. Is Expanding Its Bioweapons Research In Africa

Russia Claims The U.S. Is Expanding Its Bioweapons Research In Africa

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Moscow claims to have proof that the United States is expanding its biological weapons research on the African continent. The head of Russia’s Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, claimed on Tuesday that this expansion comes after Russia halted the implementation of similar programs in former Ukrainian territories.

Kirillov said that Africa is a new zone of interest for the U.S. Defense Department and related agencies especially when it comes to bioweapons. The general mentioned the presence of Pentagon contractors in several African countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa.

Is this just another coincidence, considering bird flu is a big deal in U.S. dairy cattle at the moment?

Robert Redfield Says Bird Flu Pandemic WILL HAPPEN

“Because Russia has managed to halt the implementation of biological warfare programs in Ukraine’s liberated territories, the Pentagon is forced to transfer incomplete research under Ukrainian projects to other regions,” Kirillov alleged. “Washington uses outside actors to hide the objectives of research. These are contracting and intermediary organizations (Metabiota, Quicksilver, EkoHealth Alliance, more than 20 companies) and businesses of the so-called Big Pharma,” Kirillov claimed. Russia has documents confirming the rapid expansion of the U.S. biological warfare presence on the African continent, he added.

Remember, no big pharma company or the medical industrial complex is concerned with health. Doing so would put them out of business. The sicker humanity is, the more money can be made.

Toward the end of 2023, Russia also claimed to have evidence that the U.S. was funding bioweapons research in Ukraine.

Russia Claims The U.S. Is Making Bioweapons Components In Ukraine

Kirillov cited several examples of U.S. activities, stating that “in October 2023, staff of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases conducted a large-scale survey of hantavirus samples from bats in Kenya’s natural hotspots. A year ago, US military biologists studied the effects of anti-malarial drugs on local populations.  In January 2024, US officials from the Defense Department, the State Department, and the US Department of Health and Human Services met with the heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa to discuss the continent’s prospects for developing laboratory capabilities,” the general said.

More coincidences?


Read the full article here

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