Stardust, a secretive joint startup between Israel and the United States, is developing proprietary aerosol technology to block sunlight and artificially cool the planet. Blocking out the sun could have disastrous effects on both humans and the planet’s ecosystems.
The Israeli-U.S. firm was founded in 2023 and has been shrouded in secrecy. According to a report by Natural News, the startup is developing proprietary aerosol particles designed to block sunlight from reaching the planet—a reckless gamble with no public consent, no independent oversight, and no regard for the catastrophic consequences.
Stardust’s CEO, Yanai Yedvab, is a former deputy chief scientist at the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, an agency notorious for overseeing the nation’s covert nuclear weapons program.
Plans to block the sun are generally done under the guise of the climate change scam.
Now They Are Actually Working On A Plan To Block Out The Sun
In 2023, Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog wrote:
Considering the fact that we are already in the early stages of a horrifying global food crisis, growing enough food should be a very high priority. Unfortunately, globalists see things very differently. They are apparently willing to implement extremely risky measures in a desperate attempt to get temperatures back into a range that they consider to be “normal”. The following comes from a Bloomberg article entitled “EU Looks Into Blocking Out the Sun as Climate Efforts Falter.
According to Wired, if Stardust’s technology is deployed, it “will affect the whole world.” Potential disasters include:
- Disrupted monsoons threatened food supplies for billions in Asia and Africa.
- Ozone layer destruction, increasing UV radiation, and cancer rates.
- Unpredictable weather shifts, exacerbating droughts, floods, and hurricanes.
- Termination shock, where sudden cessation of geoengineering could cause rapid, deadly global warming.
In 2022, Joe Biden signed a sun-blocking scheme that would involve the spraying of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, which even CNBC admits has “harmful effects on the environment and human health.”
White House Pursuing Sun-Blocking Geoengineering Scheme That Was A “Conspiracy Theory” Two Years Ago
Shuchi Talati of The Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering warns: “They are operating in a vacuum, in the sense that there is no social license to do what they are trying to do.”
Blocking out the sun will set a horrific precedent of messing around with nature and the Earth. There could be minor repercussions, or there could be massive ones. What do you see happening? Sound off in the comments!
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