HomeGunsIs It Legal To Hunt With Suppressors?

Is It Legal To Hunt With Suppressors?

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Generally speaking, it is legal to hunt with a suppressor in states where it is legal to own a suppressor.

Out of 50 states, 42 allow ownership of suppressors and 41 of those states allow hunting with a suppressor. Connecticut is the only state where you can own a suppressor, but cannot hunt with it.

Be aware that you need to know the hunting laws in the state you plan to hunt. Hunting with a suppressor does not give you any exceptions. You need to follow local game laws.

What Are the Benefits of Hunting with Suppressors?

Many hunters agree that the major benefit of hunting with a suppressor is the noise reduction to protect the hearing of the hunter and those around them. I tend to think that reduce recoil and noise flinch are even more important.

A suppressor can make your rifle more accurate and if recoil and noise are reduced you can concentrate on making the shot and not anticipating a jab in the shoulder and blast in your ears.

Suppressing your .300 Win. Mag. might not make it hearing friendly for extended shooting, but it will make it far more tolerable and safer than not using a suppressor or ear protection. Generally speaking a suppressor can reduce the noise of a gunshot 25 to 35 decibels depending on the caliber and suppressor.

Also high on my list is a suppressor helps you avoid disturbing game. Ever see a coyote react to the sound of a gun shot? Coyotes are wily for a reason, so you know the blast out of a 5.56 NATO varmint rifle is an alarm bell to head for the hills.

I also believe hunting with suppressors keeps the neighbors happy. In areas where the population has a higher density, a suppressed rifle makes less noise. Those city folks who moved out into the country for peace and quiet, won’t be disturbed by the noise and complaint when opening day deer season rolls around.

Why Hunt With a Suppressor?

For me wearing hearing protection when hunting dulls the hunt. For a hunter, the sense of hearing is important. You need to hear a snapping twig or hooves crunching dried leaves.

Ear muffs or plugs are far less suitable than using a suppressor. You can’t hear nature around you, like a buck grunting or an elk bugling, let alone a squirrel chattering away. Using a suppressor enhances the hunt, in my opinion.

Do Suppressors Affect a Hunting Rifle’s Performance?

The short answer is yes, for the better, by reducing recoil and stifling sound. Be aware, however, the your hunting rifle’s Point Of Impact (POI) will shift. You just can’t screw a suppressor on the end of your rifle’s muzzle and go hunting.

Attaching a suppressor to a hunting rifle with change the POI, so you need to re-zero your rifle. Depending on the suppressor and the attachment method—quick detach or direct thread—there will be a shift in POI. Many times it is minimal, but you still need to check your zero. Remember every time you remove and re-attach the suppressor you need to check your zero.

If you hunt varmints and the action is fast and furious, as it can be at times, remember to use a suppressor cover. Suppressors heat up fast depending on the caliber and the environmental conditions.

Even after a few shots, the suppressor heats up and creates a heat mirage that can obscure your aiming through a scope. A cover or wrap eliminates heat mirage from affecting your aim.

On the downside, a suppressor adds weight and length to the rifle. 

Hunting With A Suppressor

Deciding to hunt with a suppressor is the next step to enhance your hunting experience.

Is it worth all the paperwork, tax stamp cost, and waiting time? In many hunters’ option the answer is yes.

Go get a can.

Read the full article here

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