HomeGunsAnti-gun Outgoing Chicago Mayor Begs Texas to Stop Sending Illegals

Anti-gun Outgoing Chicago Mayor Begs Texas to Stop Sending Illegals

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Disgraced Mayor Lightfoot from Chicago has a message for the Texas Governor. The anti-civil rights politician, the first incumbent Democratic mayor of Chicago to not be reelected to a second term in modern history, has made a real impression on the Windy City. While the citizens of Chicago elected an individual that’s likely to make Lightfoot seem like a law-and-order conservative, that doesn’t mean the current lefty who’s serving as the Mayor of Chicago hasn’t left a lasting impression on the crime-ridden city.

In a release, outgoing Mayor Lightfoot shared a letter she penned to Governor Greg Abbott, R-Texas. Chicago celebrates a 40+ year history as a so-called “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants, and yet Mayor Lightfoot denounces the Abbott administration for transporting those illegals who are willing to relocate to her city.

Lightfoot seems to be renouncing Chicago’s open city status by writing . . .

“Chicago is a Welcoming City and we collaborate with County, State, and community partners to rise to this challenge, but your lack of consideration or coordination in an attempt to cause chaos and score political points has resulted in a critical tipping point in our ability to receive individuals and families in a safe, orderly, and dignified way. We simply have no more shelters, spaces, or resources to accommodate an increase of individuals at this level, with little coordination or care, that does not pose a risk to them or others,” writes Mayor Lightfoot.

This isn’t the first time Lightfoot has issued a letter admonishing a Governor who’d been fulfilling the wishes of the willing – people who want to relocate to a “Welcoming City.” Back in January, Lightfoot along with New York Mayor Adams, D-N.Y., sent a similar complaint to Governor Jared Polis, a fellow Democrat, for bussing illegals to both Chicago and New York.

Instead of sympathizing with a border state like Texas by getting onboard with efforts to stop the deluge of illegal immigrants into the U.S., Lightfoot doubles down on do-nothing, headline-grabbing politics…by sending a strongly worded letter. Rather than admitting that it’s time for the adults to step in and run things, Lightfoot resorted to deflecting responsibility and blaming Abbott for the influx of illegals . . .

“I know by your actions that you either do not see or do not care about the trauma these migrants have already faced and continue to suffer under the humanitarian crisis you have created.”

Lightfoot’s approach to this “critical tipping point” goes hand-in-hand with her default civilian disarmament ideology. Like so many other big city mayor, she advocates for open borders and adopts sanctuary status status while being, anti-civil liberties, anti-cop, and anti-law and order.

Lightfoot who pushed to defund the police – and then had to backtrack her stance – is no friend to civil liberties. Further, just comparing Texas and Illinois on gun rights tells us what we need to know about most of the other policies.

Texas, a permitless carry state, compared to Illinois, a state that went kicking and screaming into respecting law-abiding citizens’ right to carry for self-defense. Texas, a state that desperately wants a secure border, versus Chicago, the sanctuary that’s a “welcoming city.”

The “chaos” that Lightfoot accuses Abbot of creating is yet another diversion from the chaos that the Windy City has been sliding into for decades. The city hasn’t improved under Lightfoot’s leadership and it’s not likely to improve under its forthcoming leadership either.

The other problem that Lightfoot is neglecting is the policies of the Chicago Police Department. With an influx of illegals taxing the city’s systems, crime is only likely to go up. That’s not to say that the crime is coming with the immigrants, but rather as a result of Chicago being unable to handle it’s current problems, busloads of illegals adding to that won’t help.

Just this weekend alone, the City of Chicago Police Department has sent out at least three bulletins concerning criminal activity, two of which came on Sunday alone. Alert #’s P23-4-025 CA and P23-5-030 both cover armed robberies/strong arm robberies, amounting to five different incidents between 3:00 and 7:00 a.m. on April 8th, 21st, and 22nd.

As the CPD warned . . .

    • Be aware of your surroundings and unfamiliar or suspicious people in your area.
    • Walk with groups of individuals and do not carry large sums of money.
    • Do not try to rationalize or confront offenders, it could lead to possible injury
    • Park in well-lit areas and in areas where there is pedestrian and vehicular traffic
    • Notify neighbors of this crime pattern. If you see something suspicious, alert police immediately.
    • Call 911 immediately if you are a victim or witness to a crime and provide a detailed description of the offender(s) and involved vehicles.
    • Remember any unique physical characteristics (scars, limp, acne, teeth, etc…)
    • Never pursue a fleeing assailant, provide the information to the police
    • Never resist a robbery. Value your life over any and all property.
    • If approached by a witness to the incident, request contact information
    • Do not touch anything until police arrive.

The finer points of the department’s advisories can be debated but it’s an indicator of how much crime has become a serious everyday problem in the city. Readers of TTAG understand the critical importance of being aware of one’s surroundings.

Governor Greg Abbott can be accused of many things by Lightfoot, but failing to take the bull by the horns isn’t one of them. In customary Texas style, Abbott recognized a partial solution to a serious problem and he grabbed it.

Lightfoot had no problem with the current administration’s open borders policy — and the effect it’s had on border states — until it started to affect her city. As Lightfoot said, the influx of illegal aliens “is not a state v. state or city v. city problem. The immigration crisis is a national challenge that requires national collaboration.” Maybe she should contact her influential friends in Washington and let that be known.

It should be obvious, even to Chicago’s soon-to-be-former Mayor, that being a so-called sanctuary city isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be when that becomes more than just a political platitude and immigrants actually begin to arrive.

Yet as bad as things have gotten in her city, the best she could do to help her city was…write an angry letter. Suggesting citizens have the means to defend themselves never crossed her mind. Neither Lightfoot or the CPDPD will be rolling out NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home classes or United States Concealed Carry Association armed self-defense training to empower citizens. No one should hold their breath waiting for that kind of change of heart.

Here’s Lightfoot’s full letter to Governor Abbott . . .

Read the full article here

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