Bob Barr has had an interesting career. He’s gone from a drug warrior member of Congress to the presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party. He’s been a columnist at points in between as well.
Now, he’s sitting as president of the National Rifle Association, which isn’t exactly in the best of shape these days.
Barr is considered by many to be a NRA establishment pick for the job, though reform candidates won other slots at the recent elections. Yet whether that’s true or not, Barr has some political savvy that may be useful for the embattled organization.
And, frankly, he recognizes where at least some of the threat to the Second Amendment actually comes from. It’s not politicians.
The former congressman from Georgia was asked on “America Right Now” by host Tom Basile what challenges and threats are facing gun owners in America, and Barr did not hesitate in his response. He said the threat is from government officials not understanding the Second Amendment, noting the right is given by God and not government.
The right to bear arms “is protected explicitly in the Bill of Rights against government taking it away. Either those official don’t understand it, or — even worse — they understand it and they don’t care about it,” he said.
And this fact is something that should unite us.
Look, I’m not saying politicians aren’t a threat. I don’t think Barr is, either.
What I know to be true, though, is that there are legislative ways to prevent infringements on our Second Amendment rights, which is why we haven’t see nearly as much gun control passed as President Joe Biden would like to have signed.
But what we have seen are bureaucrats essentially erode our right to keep and bear arms with a stroke of the pen. Yes, mostly it’s been the ATF, but even the Federal Trade Commission has tried to get in on the act. You’re deluding yourself if you think it’ll stop there, either.
It won’t.
We can stop legislation, but stopping bureaucratic nonsense is a lot harder. All we can do then is go to court and hope we can find a judge who will actually put a stop to the infringement. That’s not always a guarantee, as we’re finding out all too often these days.
And make no mistake, there are plenty of bureaucrats who would like to kill the Second Amendment via the old “death by a thousand paper cuts” approach. They favor gun control. They want it to happen. They also know that the legislature isn’t likely to pass it, so they’re more than willing to work with people like the Biden White House to make it happen. They’re eager to comply with Biden’s wishes on this.
That needs to come to an abrupt end.
Threats to our rights in the legislatures across this nation are bad enough, but we can deal with those. We know how to deal with those because there are no faceless entities seeking to destroy our rights under the veil of anonymity. No, we know who are opponents are and we know how to deal with them.
Bureaucratic fiat is a different matter entirely.
Read the full article here